September 21, 2023

AI isn’t replacing jobs, but it is replacing this

AI isn’t replacing jobs, but it is replacing this

In the long run, will AI cost jobs?  

It’s too soon to say. But in the short run, it is taking away something, but it’s not jobs, says Sean Hinton, SkyHive Founder and CEO, speaking about AI's impact on employee recruiting and retention at Applied Intelligence Live in Austin.

“We're not seeing AI replacing jobs,” Hinton said. “That’s frankly nowhere to be found. It’s replacing tasks.”

Craig Corcoran, Principal Scientist, Valkyrie AI, was part of the “fireside chat” with Hinton.

Corcoran and Hinton also said about AI and talent management:

  • So far, artificial intelligence is a net job-booster. Hinton says that 95 percent of jobs posted the last two quarters call for some form of AI competency. But, few job seekers have that competency. There’s more demand than supply.  
  • AI can really widen a talent pool, Corcoran says, and help identify internal candidates based on skills, not just on job titles. Hinton agrees. He gives the example of work SkyHive has done with one nation’s military, helping increase gender diversity 10 percent annually. SkyHive helped the military branch identify women who were being overlooked for military roles but had the right skills, an example being yoga instructors who could take physical therapy roles.
  • HR has a critical, not lesser role, as AI’s use in talent management expands, Hinton says. “You can’t just put in technology and expect people to respond,” he says. Cultural changes are needed in an organization to move from a jobs-based approach to an AI-driven, skills-based approach. “Coaching, mentoring, communicating – HR is key,” Hinton says.  
  • Finding an AI tool is not a challenge, Hinton says, explaining that we’re all getting bombarded by offers of generative AI technologies to monitor people, motivate people, retain people, assess people, and so on. The real challenge, he says, is sorting through these tools. "Is the technology ethical? Is it GDPR compliant? SOC 2 compliant? Is it truly global, interpreting phrases used to describe skills in multiple languages, which most tools cannot? Buyer beware,” says Hinton. When an AI company has high ethical standards (more on that in this webinar), it's not scared of regulations and audits, and it'll explain how its technology works. “It is clear as day when you are dealing with an unethical AI company,” Hinton says.
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