June 11, 2021

SkyHive Becomes the First B Corp™ AI Company in BC

SkyHive Becomes the First B Corp™ AI Company in BC

SkyHive is proud to announce that it is the first AI technology company in British Columbia, Canada to become a Certified B Corporation®, joining the ranks of over 2,700 Certified B Corporations from more than 60 countries with 1 unifying goal – to redefine success in business.

What is a B Corp™️?

Named ‘the highest standard for socially responsible business’ by Inc. magazine, the B Corp certification recognizes companies that are global leaders in using business as a force for good. These are for-profit companies that meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. The B Corp Certification process uses credible, comprehensive, transparent and independent standards of social and environmental performance.

Becoming a B Corporation signals a firm’s serious commitments to integrate social responsibility into its business operations and to voluntarily meet stringent criteria set by B Lab®, who assesses and monitors the social and environmental impact for a certified firm to balance profitability and social outcomes.

SkyHive achieved a milestone with its B Corp™ certification to reskill and upskill agile workforces
SkyHive achieved a milestone with its B Corp™ certification to reskill and upskill agile workforces
Using Business as a Force For Good™

“The B Corp ethos is deeply embedded in one of SkyHive’s core values, ‘We are stewards of social impact to all communities’,” says Sean Hinton, CEO of SkyHive. “From the moment SkyHive was conceived, we knew we wanted to build SkyHive into a business that’s wildly successful and good for the world in tandem. Joining the B Corp community has inspired us to constantly seek ways to achieve that.”

SkyHive’s core technology reflects its utmost commitment to making a positive impact. SkyHive uses artificial intelligence to objectively extrapolate the skills of workers, the skills required by jobs, the skills gained from training, then applies deep learning to match workers with jobs and training in a smart way. Built upon the core skills matching AI technology,  SkyHive offers talent acquisition, job searching, onboarding mentorship, adaptive learning, succession planning, and training and development solutions to job seekers, learners, employees, companies, governments, and training institutions. By matching these elements purely based on skills, SkyHive was designed in a way that fundamentally eliminates the bias that often occurs in the candidate sourcing and resource allocation processes, effectively promoting inclusion and equality while driving business and economic growth.

As a new company, SkyHive constantly evaluates how its practices impact its employees, the community, the environment, and its customers through establishing systems and programs that hold itself to a higher standard. This commitment is underscored through initiatives including becoming a certified Real Living Wage employer, providing a training and professional development budget, launching an organization-wide paid volunteering program and an employee-directed charitable giving program, and promoting diversity hiring with a current makeup of 30% female representation and 10 nationalities.

Impact Partners

Creating a positive social impact is a commitment that’s baked into SkyHive’s DNA and lived by each and every team member, advisor, and investor. Firmly grounded in these values, SkyHive uses its talent, time and sources to seek out and develop synergies with like-minded organizations.

Since its launch in June 2018, SkyHive has been actively collaborating with partner organizations to develop impact-driven projects that drive employment and economic empowerment to six under-represented groups: women, youth, newcomers, indigenous peoples, veterans, and physically disabled persons. Some of the collaborative efforts include:

  • Working with the Department of National Defence to help increase gender equality in the Canadian military;
  • Supporting Ladies Empowerment and Action Program (LEAP) in empowering incarcerated women to successfully re-enter society by providing access to employment and skills training programs;
  • Partnering with the Immigrant Services Society of BC to leverage our technology to help youth newcomers gain essential digital skills and create financial independence through access to employment;
  • Collaborating with Destination Imagination to foster creativity and skills development in Canadian youth;
  • Partnering with Key2Enable to provide skills development and employment opportunities to individuals with motor disabilities;
  • Partnering with the UN World Food Programme to provide refugees with employment and training opportunities through a digital labour market.

Through developing projects that advance equality and equip underserved communities with on-demand skills, SkyHive aligns the promise of leading-edge technologies with the future of inclusive work and social equality.

Not only the best in the world, but also the best for the world.

Today, SkyHive achieved a milestone with its B Corp™ certification. However, we recognize that we still have a long way to go. Today, we help individuals discover how their skills can be applied to the labour market to access better livelihoods and facilitate their continued development through upskilling and reskilling. Tomorrow, we envision to build a world of inclusive work and learning. We want to set an example for other entrepreneurs that an exponential, successful company can be built and designed in a way that truly helps people, and we invite you to join us in achieving our vision.

Visit our profile on the B Corp website to learn more about our commitment to being a force for good and see the details of our impact assessment.

About Certified B CorporationⓇ

Certified B Corporation® meet the highest standards of overall social and environmental performance, legally expand their corporate responsibilities to include consideration of stakeholder interests, and build collective voice through the power of the unifying B Corporation brand. The global B Corp community works toward reduced inequality, lower levels of poverty, a healthier environment, stronger communities, and the creation of high-quality jobs with dignity and purpose.

To learn more, visit https://bcorporation.net/

About SkyHive

Established in 2017 with the mission of tackling global poverty and unemployment, SkyHive aims to utilize its exponential technologies to facilitate labour market transformation, upskilling, and lifelong learning; ultimately fostering a stronger, more prepared, and more confident workforce to welcome a brighter tomorrow.

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