December 31, 2020

2021 Year-end Recap / Happy Holidays from Team SkyHive!

2021 Year-end Recap / Happy Holidays from Team SkyHive!

2020 has been a unique experience for all of us. During these unprecedented times, our team has stepped up to help our communities and customers push forward and scale our impact globally. SkyHive was founded with the mission of eliminating unemployment and underemployment, providing people with access to work, learning, as well as meaningful and dignified livelihoods. At times like this, we are grateful to contribute towards workforce resilience and minimizing impact on individuals and communities. Some of our efforts towards building a stronger and more equitable workforce include:

  • Supporting global CHROs to build shared workforce resilience in partnership with Accenture
  • Helping affected front-line retail workers define new career pathways for Walmart and Unilever - a first of its kind initiative launched by the World Economic Forum
  • Solving the ubiquitous digital transformation challenge facing the financial services and insurance industries through participation in the FinTech Innovation Lab
  • Reaching 43% female representation and joining the Government of Canada’s 50 – 30 Challenge to promote diversity and inclusion in corporate Canada

We could not have achieved this level of impact without our partners, customers, and champions, who supported us along the way and enabled us to achieve incredible milestones:

  • Raising USD $8 million in Series A financing to accelerate our growth and continue to support companies and communities across the world during these unprecedented times
  • Welcoming three new Board Members who bring deep commitment, expertise, and passion at a pivotal moment as we propel our mission forward
  • Expanding our global footprint with a new location in the San Francisco Bay Area and doubling our team size
  • Being recognized as a top innovative technology company by CIX and winning the TIA Purpose award - an award that celebrates companies that put purpose first, tackling global challenges with innovative solutions

Most importantly, we are humbled by the support, resilience, and collective strength demonstrated by our community. We are committed to continue working with communities around the globe to create new pathways to employment, helping individuals understand their relevance to the labor market, and matching them with opportunities that can sustainably improve their livelihoods.

All of us at SkyHive wish you a wonderful, healthy, and safe holiday season.

With passion and appreciation,

- Your SkyHive Team

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